Pathological Electrolytes, electrolyte imbalance, malabsorption, symptoms of electrolyte.

There are many chemical which are present in blood stream and this regulate the important function of bodies this chemicals are called as electrolytes.

When this electrolytes are dissolve in water it separate the positive and negative charged ion.

Proper exchange of Electrolytes ions outside and inside the cells is responsible for the nerve reaction and muscle function. Ex: sodium (Na++), magnesium, potassium and calcium.

Normal Adults values:

  • Ca+ —– 4.5-5.5 MEg/L
  • Cl- ——– 97-107 MEg/L
  • K ——— 3.5-5.3 MEg/L
  • Mg ———1.5-2.5 MEg/L
  • Na———–136-145 MEg/L

Electrolyte imbalance: Abnormal level of electrolyte in the body is called as electrolyte imbalance. Sodium, potassium, calcium is the main electrolyte excessive or deficiency of this electrolyte causes leads to abnormality of the function of body.

There are many causes of electrolyte imbalance including rapid water loss throw diarrhoea, vomiting, perspiration injury, blood loss, fluid loss from burns, eating disorders, alcoholism,cancer diabetes and certain medication.

Malabsorption:(prevent the absorption of Nutrition) the body maybe unable to absorb the electrolytes, due to their stomach disorders, medication or maybe how food is taken in hormonal or endocrine disorders and kidney disorders.

when the body breaks down tumor cells rapidly after chemotherapy this condition is called as “tumorlysis” its causing low blood calcium level, high potassium levels and other electrolyte abnormalities.

Other medication may cause an electrolyte imbalance level as chemotherapy drugs (cisplatin) diuretics (furosemide,Bumetanide) antibiotics (Amphotericin B) corticosteroids (Hydrocortisone).

symptoms of electrolyte imbalance: an electrolyte imbalance produce different number of symptoms and the symptoms based on electrolyte levels affected.

  • Altered potassium, magnesium, sodium or calcium levels may experience muscle spasm, weakness, twitching or conversion.
  • Low sodium level main leads to confusion, blood pressure changes, irregular heartbeat, nervous system and bone disorders.
  • High level of calcium may leads to weakness or twitching of the muscles, fatigue, blood pressure changes and irregular heartbeat.

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