B pharmacy 6 sem Quality assurance and quality control Question bank

LONG ESSAYS 2×10=20 Marks
What is QSEM and discuss in details Q-series guidelines
Discuss in detail the design, construction, plant layout and requirement of environmental control  in sterile manufacturing unit
Discuss the objectives and scope of GLP in Pharmaceutical industry
Discuss in detail the principles of TQM 
Explain the facility requirements for maintenance of sterile manufacturing area
Discuss the importance of Good Laboratory Practices Explain briefly the protocol content of  non-clinical laboratory study
List and explain Q series guidelines of ICH
Describe the requirements s of organization and personal responsibilities as per schedule M 
Explain in detail the quality control test for packaging materials.
Explain ICH Q1 guidelines for stability testing of drug and drug product 
Discuss briefly cGMP guidelines for construction, maintenance and sanitation of pharmaceutical  unit 
Explain the objectives and scope of GLP 
Discuss the important principles of Total Quality Management
Describe the requirements for environmental control and layout of sterile manufacturing area
Explain the objectives and scope of GLP 
Describe in-detail the features of ISO 9000 and ISO 14000.
Discuss the regulatory requirements for design, construction and plant layout of pharmaceutical  manufacturing facility
Explain the quality control tests for containers used in pharmaceutical packaging
Discuss in detail about the concepts of Quality Assurance and GMP
Explain about the quality control tests for containers and rubber closures
Describe the design, construction and plant layout of a production unit
Explain scope and objectives of GLP.
Write in detail about personnel responsibilities, training and hygiene in pharmaceutical industry.
Write in detail about NABL accreditation, principles and procedures.
Give a detail account on stability testing of dosage form as per the ICH guidelines
Discuss in-detail the salient features of Schedule-M 
Explain the objectives and scope of GLP
What is QSEM and discuss in details Q-series guidelines
Discuss in detail the design, construction, plant layout and requirement of environmental control  in sterile manufacturing 
Discuss the important principles of Total Quality Management
SHORT ESSAYS 7×5=35 Marks
Describe the procedure for NABL accreditation 
Explain the steps involved in ISO 9000 registration 
What is CTD and explain module -2
Write the significance of personnel hygiene in pharmaceutical industry
Describe the equipment selection and purchase procedure
Explain the protocol for conduct of non-clinical laboratory study 
Explain the quality control tests for containers and rubber closures
Discuss the handling of return goods
Explain the importance and scope of validation
Explain the concept of QA and QC
Enlist ICH Q-series guidelines and explain any one in detail
Describe the criteria for equipment selection in pharmaceutical industry
How is cross contamination is prevented in dispensing unit
Write the reasons for disqualification of testing facilities
Describe the procedure for handling of return goods
Write a short note on quality audit and quality review
Explain the procedure for qualification of pH meter
Describe the principle of analytical method validation
Explain the principles are of TQM
Explain the scope and features of NABL accreditation
Discuss the steps involved in the purchase specification.
Write a note on maintenance of stores for raw materials 
Give reasons for disqualification of testing facilities in GLP
Explain briefly the protocol for conducting Non-clinical lab studies 
What are complaints and how they are evaluated?
How do you handle disposal of waste products in pharmaceutical unit.
Write the procedurefor qualification of UV- Visible spectrophotometer
Write the elements of ISO 9000
Write the procedure for NABL accreditation 
How is the cross contamination prevented in dispensing and production areas.
How do you audit vendor for ensuring purchase specification 
Explain the QC test for secondary packaging material 
Discuss the procedure for conducting non clinical laboratory studies. 
Discuss the SOP for disposal of waste in pharmaceutical unit.
Elaborate on master formula record 
Write the procedurefor qualification of UV- Visible spectrophotometer
Write a note on ISO 9000 and ISO 14000
Explain briefly about ICH stability testing
Discuss the maintenance of raw material stores
Describe the SOP for purchase specification
Explain the procedure for qualification of UV visible spectrophotometer
Write a note on material Management
Discuss the QC tests for secondary packing materials
Explain briefly CTD and its modules
Explain the handling of market complaints
Explain the elements of QbD
Describe the methods to prevent product contamination in sterile manufacturing unit
Write the minimum criteria for selection of pharmaceutical equipments
Explain the procedure for NABL accreditation
Discuss the SOP for Handling of return goods
Explain the guidelines to be followed for waste disposal in pharmaceutical industry
Write in brief the material management in industry
Describe the protocol for conduct of non-clinical laboratory study
Enlist the reasons for disqualification of testing facility
Discuss the tools and elements of QbD program
Explain the protocol for conduct of non- clinical laboratory study
Write a note on NABL Accreditation 
Describe briefly regarding equipment selection and purchase specification
Write briefly about Master Formula Record
Describe the maintenance of sterile area facilities
Write a note on Good ware house practices
What is DMF and explain its contents
Summarize the reasons for disqualification of testing facility
Write in brief on processing of pharmaceutical complaints.
Explain the elements of TQM
What are the steps involved in validation?
Differentiate between GLP and GDP.
Describe the quality control tests for containers.
Write in brief about preparation of new SOP.
Write brief note on QbD tools.
Write the process for maintenance of stores for raw materials
Write the importance of personal hygiene in pharmaceutical industry? 
What criteria do you consider in location, design and construction of a sterile product
Describe the quality control tests for rubber closures
Explain the elements of QbD
Enlist Q-series of ICH guidelines 
Discuss the SOP for purchase specification
Define validation? Mention types and explain each of them
Discuss the importance of BFR and MFR
Explain the protocol for conduct of non-clinical laboratory study
Describe the method of waste disposal in production department
Describe the sterile area facility maintenance requirements
Explain the steps involved in ISO 9000 registration 
Write the significance of personnel hygiene in pharmaceutical industry
Describe the equipment selection and purchase procedure
Discuss the environmental control and layout of sterile manufacturing area
Differentiate the quality assurance and quality control departments in pharmaceutical industry
Explain the quality control tests for containers and rubber closures
Discuss the handling of return of goods
Explain the importance and scope of validation
SHORT ANSWERS 10×2=20 Marks
What are the benefits of ISO 9000?
What are the elements of QbD
Enlist the objectives of ICH
State the importance of personal records in manufacturing
Differentiate between validation and calibration
Explain secondary packing material
Write the importance of SOP in manufacturing
Enlist the significances of batch formula record
What the general principles of validation
Define accuracy and precision
Define QbD
Enlist the benefits of ISO 14000
Name any four Deming’s principles of quality management
What are the steps involved in the purchase of raw materials
What are the personnel requirements as per GLP
Explain the role of SOP in manufacturing unit
What is Master formula record
What is FIFO and LIFO
Name any two parameters for qualification of UV-visible spectrophotometer
Write the importance of calibration
Write the difference between QA and QC
What are the benefits of QbD 
Write a note on personal hygiene in pharmaceutical unit 
Name different types of containers used in pharmaceutical industries 
What is DMF and give its importance.
What is quality audit and quality review
Write the difference between qualification and validation
Explain the concept of FIFO
Write the difference between prospective and retrospective validation 
Write the objective of ISO14000
Write any four elements of TQM
Define QA and QC
What is cross contamination and mix up contamination
Name any four types of closures
What is DMF? Give its importance
What is quality audit and quality review
Define calibration ,qualification and validation
Write briefly the scope of validation .
Name the parameters used for analytical method validation.
What is the difference between QMS and EMS.
Define TQM
What are the materials used for secondary packaging?
Differentiate calibration and qualification
Define MFR
What are the objectives of validation
Write about quality documentation
What are the personal responsibilities in plant layout
Enlist Q series of ICH guidelines
Define NABL accreditation
Name different types of validation
What is Batch formula record?
Define Qualification and validation
Differentiate between quality control and Quality assurance
What are secondary packaging materials? Give examples
Define TQM
Differentiate QMS and EMS
Define is BMR and BPR
Write the importance of quality documentation
Name any four parameters for validation of analytical method
What is the significance of calibration
What is the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality control
Define standard operation procedure (SOP)
What is BMR
Define calibration and validation
Mention the elements of ISO 9000 
Define QbD
What is contamination and cross contamination
Define Validation Master Plan.
What are secondary packing materials give example.
Define accuracy and precision.
What is batch formula record?
Define calibration.
Give the importance of Quality control.
What is ISO 14000?
Define ICH guidelines
What is secondary packing materials? Give two examples.
What is Quality review?
What is ‘Recall’ in pharmaceutical industry?
What are types of qualifications?
Define Validation.
What is quality assurance and TQM?
Define quality assurance and quality control
What is contamination and cross contamination
Differentiate ISO 9000 and ISO 14000
What is CTD
Define and classify containers
Differentiate calibration and qualification
Write the importance of SOP
What is LIFO and FIFO
Enlist the merits of warehousing
What are the benefits of ISO 9000?
What are the elements of QBD
Enlist the objectives of ICH
State the importance of personal records in manufacturing
Describe the design of sterile manufacturing
Explain secondary packing material
Write the importance of SOP in manufacturing
Enlist the significances of batch formula record
What the general principles of validation
Explain the importance of validation

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