Practice principles of pharmaceutical care

Dosing pattern and drug therapy based on pharmacokinetics and disease pattern.

pharmaceutical care
pharmaceutical care

Practice principles of pharmaceutical care:

Dosing pattern or Drug dose frequency is called dosage regimen.

The dosage regimen is a part of pharmaceutical care, designing the correct dosage regimen is important for achieving the desired therapeutic efficacy and avoiding undesired effects. Because of significant homogeneity among humans, the dosage regimen is calculated on
a population basis. Despite the same dose of the drug, it produces variations in pharmacological response, which is generally attributed to intersubject variability. This intersubject variability leads to pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamics variations for the same drug administered in the
same frequency in different individuals.
Various factors like metabolizing enzymes, interactions (drug-drug, herb-drug, and food-drug), multiple treatments, and dosage regimens affect the drug disposition. Enzymes regulate metabolism, interactions alter pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics parameters, genetic factors
may produce individual variation, etc., hence resulting in drug disposition, and also transporters
are involved in the disposition process. Proteins are the transporters in drug disposition.

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