Table of Contents
Pharmaceutical regulatory sciences question bank Semester-8 B pharmacy
Pharmaceutical regulatory sciences question bank released by rguhs Bangalore. It contains all the important questions according to PCI syllabus, also contains all the questions in 10, 5, and 2 marks format.
Long Essays 10M Pharmaceutical regulatory sciences question bank
- Explain in detail on DMF system in India
- Explain the approval process and timeline for investigational new drug.
- Define common technical document (CTD) and electronic common technical document (eCTD). Explain different modules in CTD and eCTD.
- Explain the stages in development of new drug
- What is CTD and eCTD. Explain the different modules of CTD in detail
- Discuss the application and approval process for ANDA
- Explain the stages in drug development process
- Explain the regulatory approval process for New Drug Application.
- Discuss briefly open part and closed part of DMF.
- What is innovator and generic products?
- Explain stage in development of generic formulations
- Define CTD and discuss the process involved in its submission
- Explain the organization and functions of regulatory bodies of EU and Australia
- Explain the regulatory approval process for ANDA
- Explain different stages of drug discovery
- Explain the application and approval process of IND
- Explain different stages involved in development of new drugs
- Explain the organization and functions of Australia and US drug regulatory bodies
- Explain the application and regulatory approval process for IND
- Discuss the process of DMF system
- Explain the different modules of CTD in detail
- Explain the different modules of ACTD
- Discuss the various stages involved in generic product development
- Discuss approval process of NDA
- Explain the organization and functions of regulatory bodies of EU and Japan
- Discuss different stages of pre-clinical studies
- Discuss the application and approval process of ANDA
- Discuss the procedure for the export of the pharmaceutical products
- Explain stages in drug development process
- Explain different modules of ACTD.
- Explain the organization and functions of regulatory bodies of EU and Japan.
Short essays 5M Pharmaceutical regulatory sciences question bank
- Explain code for federal regulation with respect to Part 21
- What is CTD and eCTD? Differentiate them.
- Explain inclusion and exclusion in clinical trials
- Explain changes made to approved NDA
- Explain salient features of orange book
- Discuss the criteria for selection of human volunteers in clinical trials
- Explain the development of clinical trial protocols.
- Explain different stages in non-clinical studies.
- Explain the application and approval process for IND
- Explain the organization structure and functions of Japan drug regulatory body
- Explain the stages of drug discovery process
- Discuss the importance of orange book in development of generic product
- Explain the application and approval of ANDA
- Write briefly on clinical trial protocol
- Explain the salient features of pharmacovigilance
- Explain the differences between brand and generic products
- Explain organization structure and functions of Europe drug regulatory authority
- Write an overview on ACTD
- Explain the non -eCTD electronic submission form (NeeS).
- Explain the organization and functions of CDSCO
- Explain the salient features of purple book.
- Define clinical trial and explain Phase II
- Explain the constitution and functions of Institutional Review Board
- Regulatory approval process for IND
- Explain the salient features of Pharmacovigilance
- Write a note on ANDA and its approval process
- Differentiate between innovator and generic products
- Explain independent ethics committee
- Write a note on different modules of DMF
- Discuss salient features of orange book
- Discuss Phase I clinical trials
- Discuss briefly stages of drug discovery process
- Differentiate innovator and generic products
- Explain monitoring of clinical trials
- Write briefly on changes made to approved ANDA
- Write an overview on ACTD
- Explain the eCTD.
- Explain code of federal regulation.
- Write a note on ANDA and its approval process.
- Explain regulatory change over from NDA to ANDA
- Define and explain ethical principles of informed consent process
- Explain salient features of purple book
- Explain independent ethics committee
- Discuss organization structure and functions of regulatory authority for EU
- Explain regulatory approval process of IND
- What is clinical trial protocol? Write a note on informed consent process.
- Write briefly on organization structure and functions of USFDA.
- Explain the salient features of orange book.
- Define clinical trial and explain Phase III
- Explain the constitution and functions of Institutional Review Board
- Write a note on 21 CFR
- Write different modules of ACTD
- Explain the importance of pharmacovigilance
- Explain organization structure and functions of drug regulatory authority of Australia
- Explain the salient features of pharmacovigilance
- Explain the organization structure and functions of CDSCO
- Explain the working procedure for preparation of clinical trial protocol
- Explain the application and approval of IND
- Explain the constitution and functions of clinical review board
- What is CTD and explain different sections of CTD
- Discuss the importance of orange book
- Explain organization structure and functions of USFDA
- Explain different changes made to an approved NDA
- Explain CTD and eCTD
- Explain inclusion and exclusion in clinical trials
- Explain code for federal regulation with respect to Part 21
- Explain changes made to approved NDA
- Explain salient features of purple book
- Explain the organization and functions of CDSCO
- Explain briefly generic product development process
- Explain the formation and functions of institutional review board
- Briefly write a note on submission of DMF
- Define and differentiate CTD and eCTD
- Explain the Phase II clinical trials
- With example differentiate between brand and generic products
- Explain the process involved in shifting from NDA to ANDA
- Explain the importance of 21 CFR
- Explain the procedure for the export of generic formulations
- Explain the inclusion and exclusion criteria in clinical trials
- Discuss the importance of pharmaceutical regulatory affairs in industry
- Explain the safety monitoring in clinical trials
- Explain the organization structure and functions of Australian drug regulatory body
- Explain code of federal regulation
- Write briefly on the development of clinical trial protocol
- Explain the salient features of orange book
- Explain the formation and functions of independent ethics committee
- What is DMF? Explain the contents of DMF
- Explain organization structure and functions of drug regulatory authority of Japan
- Explain the ethical principles of informed consent form for clinical trial process
- Concept of generic drug product development.
Short essays 2M Pharmaceutical regulatory sciences question bank
- Purple book
- Enlist different applications used for approval in EU
- Pre-clinical studies
- Organogram of CDSCO
- Difference between brand and generic products
- Difference between NDA and ANDA
- Enlist the stages of drug development process
- Name the regulatory authorities of India, US, EU and Australia
- Write a note on Phase II
- List out the items of module III in ANDA
- Exclusion criteria in clinical trials
- Constitution of Australian authority
- Export of generic products
- Process of informed consent
- Phase II clinical trials
- Significance of pharmacovigilance
- Role of regulatory affairs in pharmaceutical industry
- eCTD
- Functions of US regulatory authority
- Functions of Japan drug regulatory authority
- Importance of DMF
- Modules of CTD
- Non-clinical studies
- Functions of CDSCO
- Non – eCTD submission form
- Informed consent form
- Purple book
- Constitution of IRB
- Module III in eCTD
- Functions of Japan drug regulatory body
- Salient features of DMF
- Phase II clinical trials
- Export of generic products
- Institutional Review Board
- Safety monitoring in clinical trials
- Open parts of DMF
- Objectives of regulatory affairs
- Differentiate innovator and generic products
- Functions of US FDA
- Orange book
- Safety monitoring in clinical trials
- Phase I
- Importance of DMF
- Modules of ACTD
- Non-clinical studies
- Mention the general list of 21 CFR
- Difference between CTD and eCTD
- Give examples for brand and the respective generic products
- Constitution of CDSCO
- Objectives of regulatory affairs department in pharma industry
- Enlist the types of DMF
- Non-clinical studies
- Pharmacovigilance
- Differentiate innovator and generic products
- Modules in ACTD
- Functions of US FDA
- What is clinical trial protocol?
- Write a note on IND
- Enlist the functions of CDSCO
- What is DMF? Enlist the types
- Enlist the different applications used for approval in USFDA
- Role of regulatory affairs personnel in pharmaceutical industry
- Briefly write on Phase I studies
- Importance of purple book
- Informed consent form
- Mention the general list of 21 CFR
- Non-clinical trials
- Inclusion criteria for clinical trials
- Phase III studies
- Write a note on generic products
- 21 CFR
- Enlist the functions of TGA
- Open parts of DMF
- Define the term TGA and EMEA
- List out the parts in module III
- Non-clinical studies
- Define regulatory affairs
- Difference between NDA and ANDA
- List out the items in module III in ANDA
- Write a brief note on 21 CFR
- Define regulatory affairs
- Enlist the functions of Australian drug regulatory authority
- What is clinical trial protocol?
- Differentiate between generic and innovator products
- Enlist parts of DMF
- Modules of ASEAN common technical document
- Exclusion criteria in clinical trials
- Generic vs Innovator
- Phase II clinical trials
- Modules of ASEAN common technical document
- Safety monitoring in clinical trials
- Monitoring clinical trials
- Define the term USFDA and EMDA
- Pre-clinical studies
- Salient features of purple book
- Define the term IND and NDA