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Physical Pharmaceutics 1 Question bank for b pharmacy semester-3
Physical Pharmaceutics 1 Question bank released by rguhs Bangalore, it contains all the important questions according to syllabus also in PCI regulations.
UNIT I: Solubility of drugs Physical Pharmaceutics1
Long essay
10 Marks
- Define solubility. Explain the various factors affecting solubility of solids in liquids.
- Define and derive Raoult’s law. Write its applications
- Explain in detail about the different factors affecting the solubility of drugs
- Define azeotrpic mixtures. With the help of neat diagram explain in detail fractional distillation process
- Describe the method of determining solubility of solids in liquids
- Define dissolution. Explain the different quantitative factors influencing solubility of drugs.
Short Essay
5 Marks
- Explain solubility of partially soluble Liquid system with example.
- Explain sublimation critical point phone.
- Explain Critical solution temperature and mention their applications
- Explain real solutions with examples
- What are paratonic solutions? What are the effects of injecting paratonic solutions
- Explain the various applications of distribution law in Pharmacy
- Explain the method for determination of CST.
- Explain various ideal solubility parameters for solubility process.
- Discuss the different types of dissolution apparatus.
- State and explain Nernst Distribution law along with its limitations
- What are azeotropic mixtures? Explain with an example
- Write a note on fractional distillation.
Short Answers
2 marks
- Define Diffusion and Dissolution.
- Define vapour pressure
- Liquefaction of gases.
- Define the term isotonicity with an example.
- Differentiate between isotonic and iso-osmotic Solutions.
- Limitations of Raoult’s
UNIT II: States of Matter and properties of matter Physicochemical properties of drug molecules
Long essay
Marks 10
- List out physical properties of drug molecules. Describe any two of them with suitable Example.
- Describe the principle, construction and working of Abbe’s refractometer. Write anote On its application.
- Discuss dielectric constant and dipole movement with their applications in Pharmacy
- Define optical rotation. Discuss in detail working of polarimeter.
- Define dipole moment. Explain in detail its method of determination.
- Write the different methods for the determination of surface tension. 108-113
Short essay
Marks 05
- What are eutectic mixtures? Explain with examples.
- Explain sublimation critical point
- Explain the determination of refractive index by Abbey’s refractometer
- Define dielectric constant Write a note on its application in Pharmacy
- Explain in detail different states of matter with examples.
- Discuss in detail changes in states of matter.
Short answer
Marks 02
- Define Relative humidity
- Define latent heat
- Define vapour pressure
- Define normality and molarity of solution
- What you mean by polarization
- Liquefaction of gases.
- What do you mean by glassy states?
- What are aerosols?
- Refractive Index and its application
- Define polymorphism with example.
UNIT :III: Surface and interfacial phenomenon Physical Pharmaceutics 1 Question bank
Long Essay
(10 Marks)
- Define Surface tension. Explain the principle involved in determination of surface Tension by capillary rise method. Give its limitations.
- Define Adsorption isotherm. Explain Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption
- Define Adsorption isotherms. Explain the behavior of various types of adsorption Isotherms with example
- Define and classify amphiphiles. Explain the mechanistic role of amphiphiles in Pharmacy.
Short essay
(05 Marks)
- Give the principle and working of Dunouy’s tensiometer.
- Explain Freundlich and BET equation with examples.
- Explain contact angle and its applications in pharmacy.
- Define HLB and explain Griffins scale,
- Explain different methods to determine HLB of a surfactant.
- Explain in detail spreading coefficient with relevant equations.
- Explain the phenomena of wetting and detergency.
- Explain the formation of soluble monolayer of an amphiphile.
- Explain the electrical double layer of an interface.
Short Answer
(02 Marks)
- Define Surface tension and interfacial tension.
- Enumerate methods to determine Surface tension.
- Enumerate methods to determine Interfacial tension
- Give BET equation
- Define adsorption isotherm.
- Define Contact angle
- Define HLB and mention any two applications.
- Define Spreading coefficient
- Relate contact angle with miscibility
- Define amphiphile
- Define CMC
- What are micelles? Give its structure
- Give Gibb’s adsorption equation
- Define Nernst Potential
- Define Zeta potential.
- List out wetting agents. Describe any one method for determination of wetting
- Explain the concept of surface tension
- What is meant by surface excess? Write its applications in pharmacy
- Classify surfactants based on its applications
- Define positive adsorption. Give two examples
- Enumerate applications of amphiphiles in pharmacy
UNIT IV: Complexation and protein binding Physical Pharmaceutics 1 Question bank
Short Essay
(05 Marks)
- Define complex. Classify with example.
- Explain metal complexes with example.
- Explain organic molecular complexes with example
- Explain inclusion complexes with example,
- Explain mechanism of formation of hexamine cobalt chloride ligand complex.
- Explain the mechanism of cyclodextrin drug inclusion complex. Give its applications
- Explain the various application of complexation in pharmacy with examples.
- Enumerate different methods of analysis of complex. Explain continuous variation Method of analysis
- Enumerate different methods of analysis of complex. Explain solubility method of Analysis.
- Enumerate different methods of analysis of complex. Explain distribution method of analysis,
- Enumerate different methods of analysis of complex. Explain pH titration method of analysis,
- Explain Werner’s postulates with the help of a suitable example.
Short Answers
(02 Marks)
- What are complexes? Give examples.
- Write importance of complexation in pharmacy.
- Two applications of inclusion complexes.
- What is chelating agent? Give its uses.
- What are clathrates?
- Enumerate different methods of analysis of complex.
- What are channel type complex? Give example
- What are Quinhydrine complex? Give example
- What are Inclusion complex? Give example
- What are Picric acid complex? Give example
- Explain the principle involved in the method of pH titration in complexation Analysis.
UNIT V: pH, buffers, and Isotonic solutions Physical Pharmaceutics 1 Question bank
(5 marks)
Short essay
- Discussion the reason for adjusting pH of a dosage form
- What you mean by buffer capacity and buffer equation
- Define a buffer. Explain the mechanism of action of buffers
- Write a note on method of determination of pH.
- Define pH. Deduce buffer equation for weak acid and its salt with a strong base.
- Applications of buffers in pharmaceutical and biological system.
- Write the calorimetric method of determination of pH.
- Write a note on buffer action and buffer capacity.
- Discuss the significance of buffers in preparation of isotonic solutions.
- Write the pharmaceutical applications of buffers.
- Define isotonic solutions. Explain the adjustment of tonicity by any 1 method.
- Enumerate different methods of analysis of complex. Explain pH titration method of analysis.
Short answers
(2 marks)
- Give any four examples of pharmaceutical buffers
- Explain Sorensen’s pH scale
- What are buffered isotonic solutions
- Give the buffer equation for an acid and base
- What are Hypotonic Solutions. Give examples
- Give the buffer equation for an acid and base
- Types of pH determination methods
- Isotonic and paratonic solutions
- Give Henderson-Hesselbatch equation
- What are paratonic solutions? What are the effects of inject ing paratonic solutions?
- Explain Griffins scale in detail.
- Define the term isotonicity with an example
- Explain buffer equation.
- Write any two applications of buffers in pharmacy.
- Write any four examples of pharmaceutical buffers.
- Write any two applications of buffered isotonic solutions.
- Write the principle involved in the method of pH titration in complexation analysis.
- Write any four applications of buffers in biological systems
- What are buffered isotonic solutions?
- What are the effects of injecting hypotonic solutions?